We must fight or remain in political captivity for another three hundred years. The only way out is partition, not federalism, not any other way
Author: Mohammad Osman Najib
Our country, which for a number of reasons has always been in a critical and transient state, especially in the last three hundred years, never had stability and survived in the turmoil of waves of violence. It is clear that when our place of residence is not safe, then life fears accompany us, and cacti are our bed, and their thorns are our home. It is then that the struggle for liberation from the yoke of the hegemonists becomes necessary.
In the political, intellectual, and tribal circles of the world, Afghanistan is the only country that has no responsible officials and is basically one nation. The result of struggles and contradictions, and sometimes internal bloody wars, was a world that had a winner and a loser or achieved political and interethnic harmony. This is how big countries like the USA and big alliances of countries like Europe came into being.
The darkness of the days of the nation in Afghanistan has reached the point of explosion when traditional and modern tribalists have turned directly or indirectly against the main inhabitants of our land. Therefore, they are responsible for all disasters in the country, especially from the time of Abdurahman to the present day.
The evil of political and authoritarian Pashtuns has always been that, with the pacification of internecine conflicts and agreement on the basis of Pashtunwali (Pashtun code), they immediately turned a wave of hatred and murders to other ethnic groups, and unanimously attacked Uzbeks, Tajiks, and other Persian-speaking peoples.
Liar pretenders and professional assassins who wield power and determine the fate of peoples' identities belong to the same ethnic group. They have all kinds of privileges. Their old-fashioned slogan, leading to error, is the same question of the majority and the minority. Although by any calculation they are not even a minority.
This minority rules in Afghanistan, sometimes it creates Sharia itself, and sometimes it calls its cause democracy, sometimes they refuse everything. But the content of ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan lies at the heart of the programs of black power and the hegemony of Pashtunism. Even if their political and ideological beliefs contradict each other.
They think that the nation is deaf, blind, and dumb, and does not understand who has been in power for twenty years and what has been done? From Karzai to Khalilzad and from Ghani to the Taliban, the rulers of today.
Why partition and not federalism?
The components and rules of federalism benefit countries in which wise, learned, just people and rulers have power, where peoples are awake and fearless, where real human law speaks, and not the laws of tribalism. The same Pakistan that Ghani and Karzai gave us to occupy is a country that has all the powers to enforce the law, and we have seen many times the people overthrow its rulers.
Therefore, in my opinion, the creation of Afghanistan as a federal state is useless lobbying for a plan of federalism, which is still a kind of dependence. The creation of Northern and Southern Afghanistan is the best policy and respite option for the peoples of both Afghanistan. Theorists and federalists in Afghanistan have never thought or dealt with the evil of federalism, that the central authority of the federal system in Afghanistan, again, relies on whom?
Let's say we have such a system. Will the feeling of totalitarianism, hegemony, and deliverance from the impossible hypothesis of a minority and majority of Pashtuns claiming Afghanistan as property cease, and will there be intermediate slogans of a fair distribution of wealth and power? Will the federalists in their territories be free, united, and fearless against the conspiracy of Pashtunism? Will the veto power not be monopolized by the Pashtuns? No, never.
The original version is the same - Northern and Southern Afghanistan, and that's it. Walls should be installed from the end of Chaharasiyab and from the end of Surubi, and border crossings should be established between the countries of Northern and Southern Afghanistan. The proportionality of measurements of the western areas should also be made from the end of Argandi and from the beginning of the line between Sabzavar and Kandahar or based on an estimate of the original area.
In this way:
Arba'a (four ends) of northern Afghanistan;
Eastern Surubi,
The southern end of Chaharasiyab,
The western end of Argandab and the beginning of the Sabzavor region.
Of course, this is a rudimentary view, and I know that, first of all, I will be opposed by a few mean Persian-speaking and supposedly educated idealists. But this group should have a deep analysis of the history of the last three hundred years of the country and understand where they belong. They have no way but this one.