Honorable Emomali Rahmon, the messenger of peace, national consciousness, and awakening.

By Yaqub Yasna, writer and researcher, a member of the Sangar Advisory Board

A writer, researcher, or anyone who raises a topic should study and evaluate it with common sense and arguments. I am a foreigner who speaks Persian, that is, I am not from Tajikistan, but I am writing an article about His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, the President of Tajikistan. The question may be: Why should I write an article? My answer is: His Excellency Emomali Rahmon's cultural activities are useful and important for preserving the culture of all Persian-speaking peoples of the world. Therefore, I, a native Persian speaker, have the right to write about him, to be grateful and appreciative to His Excellency. By preserving the culture of Tajiks and Aryans, he protects the identity and culture of every Aryan and Persian-speaking person in the world.

At the beginning of this article, I raised two issues about His Excellency Emomali Rahmon: one is “the messenger of peace” and the other is “the messenger of national consciousness”. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, each issue should be considered with common sense and arguments. Accordingly, I must give reasons and arguments for the two issues why I raise them about His Excellency.

I want to consider the first topic using the example of a Persian story from Saadi’s Golestan. In Golestan, there is a story about a king and a group of people on a ship, but one of the people, who had never been on a ship, was very upset and made noise out of fear. There was a wise man on the ship, he asked the king for permission to calm the man down. The king gave permission. The wise man said, “Throw him into the sea.” Some soldiers threw him into the sea, and a few moments later they grabbed him by the hair and returned him to the ship. The man huddled in a corner, calmed down and realized the value of the ship. The sage said: “A person knows the value of well-being only when disaster befalls him.” This man did not value the safety of being on the ship until he experienced the tragedy of drowning.

I told this story because today the people of Tajikistan live in safety, calm, and peace thanks to the wise and rational governance and policies of President Emomali Rahmon and the leadership of the Tajik government. Perhaps some people do not understand this well-being and do not value it as much as they should. Why? Since the day His Excellency Emomali Rahmon brought the message of peace established peace and national unity in Tajikistan and put an end to the civil war in Tajikistan, fortunately, since then the people of Tajikistan have not experienced any more disasters that would make them value the existing well-being. Therefore, people need to be informed about their existing well-being, so that they remember past disasters and are grateful for their existing well-being. They see war-torn Afghanistan and other countries of the world next to them, and how their people are suffering. Fortunately, in Tajikistan, thanks to the wisdom of this great man, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, security and comfort have been established, and Tajikistan is one of the safest and most peaceful countries in the world. In my opinion, every Tajik should appreciate the President and the well-being of the country, so that the well-being and security in the country can be preserved and protected as much as possible.

When His Excellency Emomali Rahmon established peace and national unity in Tajikistan, he paid attention to another very fateful issue - the issue of national self-awareness and the national awakening of the Tajiks.

Let's not ignore the truth, what is known today as Iranian identity, Iranian literature, national narrative and epic, Persian literature, and Persian language were founded and laid out during the Samanid era. The Samanids were Tajiks. Tajiks are one of the largest Aryan ethnic groups. Imagine if there was no Samanid state, would we have Persian literature, epics, and national narratives in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, etc. today?! In my opinion, no, because it was the Samanid kings and the Samanid cultural court that laid the foundation for Persian literature, national narrative, and epic.

However, after the Samanid fall, the role of the Samanids and Tajiks in the formation of the Persian language and literature, as well as the national narrative and epic, was forgotten, and the formation of the Persian language and literature belonged more to other Aryan states and peoples, including the Iranians. All the Aryan tribes indeed played a role in the formation of Persian literature and language, but the Samanids and Tajiks played a fundamental role in the formation and spread of the Persian language, literature, and national narrative after Islam.

The role of Tajiks in shaping the Persian language, literature, and national narrative after the Samanids was forgotten until the rise of His Excellency Emomali Rahmon. Fortunately, it was with his rise to power that the Tajiks regained their historical position in cultural and national terms. His Excellency Emomali Rahmon emphasized the role of Tajiks in shaping the Aryan identity and culture, and the countries of the region and the world recognized the position of Tajiks in shaping the Aryan culture, literature, and art. Let us ask ourselves a realistic question: which politician in the Persian-speaking countries worked harder and more diligently for the culture of the Tajiks and, in general, for the Aryan culture, literature, and the Persian language than His Excellency Emomali Rahmon? If you know of another politician of our time who worked harder and more sincerely than the Honorable Emomali Rahmon in promoting the Aryan culture, please give an example! The truth is that there is no other political figure in the Persian-speaking countries except His Excellency Emomali Rahmon who is compassionate towards the identity and culture of Tajiks, Aryans, and Persian-speaking peoples in our time.

Novruz, Chilla (Yalda), Mehrgan, and other Aryan holidays, as well as Aryan national and folklore tales, have been forgotten in Persian-speaking countries and around the world. It is the efforts and actions of His Excellency Emomali Rahmon that have given the celebrations of Novruz and Chilla global significance and led to the spread of Mehrgan and other ancient holidays at the national level.

Fortunately, thanks to the leadership and influential cultural policies of the respected Emomali Rahmon, today Tajikistan is the center and cultural identity of the Aryan civilization. In Iran and any other Persian-speaking country, there are no statues of Rudaki, Ferdowsi, Cyrus, and other Persian-speaking and Aryan figures. It is noteworthy and gratifying that in Tajikistan, gardens have been named after these great people and monuments have been erected in their honor, so that, on the one hand, these great people are not forgotten, and on the other hand, the young and subsequent generations can better and more closely connect with the cultural past and get to know their cultural elders.

In addition to practical measures, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon also created a thought, an idea, and a reflection to support and preserve the culture of our ancestors and the identity of the Tajiks. In his book “The Language of the Nation - the Existence of the Nation”, His Excellency considers the presence of a native language to be necessary and essential for the protection and preservation of the identity of the nation and offers the following idea: If we want to preserve and strengthen the Tajik identity and consciousness, the native Tajik language is necessary for the preservation and strengthening of the identity of both the Tajik and national consciousness, because the existence and identity of the nation are inextricably linked with the language of the nation.

Therefore, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon can be considered the most sincere and diligent son of Aryans and Tajiks for the culture, identity, and narrative of Aryans and Tajiks in the modern era. In this regard, every person speaking Tajik and Persian, whether in Tajikistan or outside it, should be grateful to him.






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