Why is God's wrath always falling on Muslims?
Author: Ahmad Saidi, Afghanistan and regional affairs analyst (Switzerland), especially for Sangar
I am an immigrant in Switzerland. Muslims from different countries like Afghanistan, Turkey, and some Arab countries have come and live in this country.
The total number of Muslims in Switzerland is probably between 50,000 and 80,000.
But the number of representatives of other religions whom we Afghans consider “infidels” is larger.
There are not many mosques in this country, mostly built by the Turks. Here you cannot call to prayer through loudspeakers, but you can call to prayer and preach a religious sermon inside the mosque, there is no problem.
I think that God's blessings and mercy to a country like Switzerland are greater than to our country and Islamic countries.
But why? Because in this country, not a single plant or tree dries up from lack of water; there is a lot of sun and rain. Here, not a single tree is cut down, animals roam freely and use the grass, no one ever oppresses them, and even molesting animals is considered a crime.
Where is the fate and happiness of these people determined? Is God more merciful and kind to them than to us Muslims?
People have never been and are not shot in groups here.
Here, not a single immigrant, not a single homeless person, not a single poor person is insulted or humiliated, no one is scolded and no one is called a homeless immigrant.
Here no one says whether you are black or white, no one asks what your religion is! They only respect humanity.
No child is trampled or kicked in front of the mother.
But, unfortunately, on the contrary, in third-world countries, especially on our soil, in Afghanistan, I don’t know what the reason is, we see all this and even experience it ourselves. Either this is the wrath of God, or there is another reason. Let's leave aside animals and plants, the attitude towards which is understandable on our land. Let's talk about people who are punished and destroyed in different ways, but there is no reaction to all this!
Many who call themselves pious, just and God-fearing people do not condemn any crimes, but only say that everything that happens to people is from Allah and this is God’s destiny. Most of these actions lie at the neck of religion and fate. Although God is never unjust and the things we do are not pleasing to God, it is we Muslims who abuse religion.
There are many poor, needy, and suffering people in our land. Instead of holding their hand and telling them that we are with them, we tell them: every misfortune ascends to God, and therefore to the will of God.
If you are in need - this is God's destiny, if you have no bread - this is your destiny, if you are beaten - this is your destiny, if you are insulted and humiliated - this is your destiny, if you are oppressed today, it is written on your forehead from eternity.
Although I believe that God is indeed just, there is no doubt that God never supports injustice and never allows His servants to be harassed or oppressed.
These are the servants of God who have established themselves in the name of the representative of God on earth and commit any crime, but attribute their crime to the name of God and religion, while the holy religion Islam is a religion of virtue, a religion of compassion. Religion is about brotherhood and equality, and God is merciful and compassionate to all.